Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Month Passes By... so let's have a Parade!

Good heavens! No posts for a month? How can that be?

Well let's see… In the past month, I've completed my "2006 Video Scrapbook" about the amazing year in sports here in Detroit. Wings/Pistons finishing first in their leagues, Tigers to the World Series, WNBA Shock win their title, UofM number 2 in the nation. Lions? Well, *ahem* we won't talk about them.

Anyway, this is a two-disk DVD that's just awesome. I've been joking, $29.95 shipped!

Last week, Mary and I went on a Date to see "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" at the Fox Theatre. My little girl was beautiful! The show is very good. I miss the Rockettes, but this was good too.

Then we spent Thanksgiving here at Compuware! The royal treatment, by the way... They stopped traffic and everything so that I could get the kids, my sister Mary Jo and (most importantly) my Mother in to see her first Thanksgiving Day Parade! Her first? How can that be? She replied, "When raising five kids, I was always cooking! Did you think the turkey just magically appeared every Thanksgiving?"

Good point.

Anyway, it was a blast! And the 4th floor viewpoint was perfect: Eye-to-eye with the balloons!

After that we raced across town to a fab dinner at my other sister, Sandy's.

-- Tim