Monday, August 14, 2006

The One Ring

Okay, quick story...

I haven't been telling people 'cause I'm embarrassed. A couple weeks ago, on a weekend vacation with the Montgomerys, I lost my wedding ring to the bottom of Lake Charlevoix. *Gulp* I was just sick about it. It came off while we were swimming. It was just awful. The boat floated away and I couldn't leave the spot. We figured it was at least 30 feet deep...

Marie (The Bride) said with the current price of gold, we wouldn't be buying one in the near future. Well, I couldn't stand it. It just didn't feel right, not wearing one. So, I told her, I can't stand it, I'm going to Pat Scott's (family freinds and local jeweler) to check out rings. Well, she told me they were closed Monday and not to worry about it... Mom jumped when I told her too. "Well, Marie should be there to buy it for you..."

Last Wednesday night I found out why. Marie gave me a wallet for the B-Day. There's a tradition of putting a penny in a new wallet for luck, donchaknow. Well, I open the bag with the wallet -- which I'd already seen, actually -- I told her I'd like something to open on my B-Day. It was either Mary or Connor who said to search for the penny.

I started looking in the folds and pockets, couldn't find it. Connor took it and gave it a shake, and Marie and Mom both yelled out, "NO!", and nearly jumped across the table. I thought that was rather odd, but didn't think more of it. Then there was one section I had missed.

Inside, was a ring! But not just any ring. Dad's ring! I'm getting choked up right now thinking of it. Mom told Marie that I should have Dad's wedding ring, and not to buy another one. It's been re-sized down so Mom could wear it, but she said to take it to Pat's and have it sized up again.

And there it is, written right inside, "JMO Loves JHR 5-20-50".

ISN'T THAT COOL!?!!??! Mom is the best!

Okay, so, it wasn't a quick story...

-- Tim


Brother Ray said...

Cool story! Thanks for sharing.

I once lost head and couldn't find it for weeks, but I'm much better now...

- BR

Anonymous said...

Things just have a way of working themselves out - when you least expect them. Meant to be? Hm-m-m-m-m-m

Brother Ray said...

Allow me to clairify my earlier comment:

I once lost "my" head and couldn't find it for weeks, but I'm much better now....