Monday, September 18, 2006

Golfing in Gaylord

The Grosse Pointe Theatre "Invitational" Golf Outing was the 10th through the 12th. A great time was had by all as this motley crew of eight friends from Michigan's Best Community Theatre (small plug) trekked up north to the Gaylord area to the Otsego golf courses. Tony Amato held on through Tuesday's fine mist to win this year's prize.

As usual, a lot of drink and red meat was consumed. Also, a ceremonial first drink was held in honor of friend Jef Fisk who was unable to attend this year's festivities.

1 comment:

Mary&Dan said...

It looks like Berlin weather in northern Michigan...altho we did have 8 beautiful I should not complain...and we are saving the rest for Jane. your photo albums, Tim...I'll have to try that.