Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day Tiger Baseball!

A few weeks ago, we offered to dog-sit for good friends of the family, the Selvaggios. We're not really accustomed to dog-sitting and only took on the job because he's a well-trained and small dog. It was a fun 10 days. And Connor was the one most up to the task. He fed the dog most nights, and took him for walks. He really took charge.

Well, once they returned (in addition to giving us a beautiful gift basket, which they didn't need to Nate Robertson on the Mound!do!) Tony gave Connor four tickets to the Labor Day Tigers game! Excellent!!! Daddy was more excited, I think. I asked Connor who he was planning on taking to the game. This kind of startled him, and I panicked for a sec, then he responded, "I'll take you, Daddy, on one condition…" Yessss? "That you buy me a hot dog and frozen lemonaide at the game!"

Not a problem. Anyone else? "Mommy and I guess Mary too. But if she's mean to me, I might not take her…"

Sounds like a normal reply for a nine year-old with a seven year-old sister.

The game was GREAT! Wonderful seats, perfect weather, a Magglio homerun, Robertson pitched a gem, and the Tigers won 6-2! We had all the hot dogs and lemonades that we could eat. A great time was had by all. Thanks Tony and Theresa Selvaggio!


Mary&Dan said...

What a good kid that Connor is! Taking his whole family to the ball game...I am impressed.

TReinman said...

Hi! John? John W.? Cool man. Where are you? I ssaw Cooper this weekend at the neighbor's.

Note back!